Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our amazing bodies

I have been sick for the last week.  It was not cancer related, just life related.  As a was having many aches etc. it reminded of last summer and how sick I was after chemo and when I got my shots to build my white count.   The shots would make me ache everywhere....even where you thought it was impossible to ache.   I had forgot all about those aches.  It is amazing how we can forget so quickly.  If you are going through chemo now remember it does get better.  It might seem impossible, but if the treatments go like they should, it all gets better.  Yes, we might not be exactly like we were before cancer, but we can get to the place were we have a "normal " life.  Even as the water flows across these hands in the hospital gardens,  our bodies can be refreshed also.  The Lord created them in an amazing way to heal.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tell them you love them

It has been awhile since I wrote.  No excuse, I was always going to write tommorrow.  Since then I know of at least three deaths that really made me think.  None of them were related to cancer,but they make an impression on you.   Tell your family you love them.   You never know when it might be the last time.  Two of the deaths I was thinking of we're unexpected.  They thought they had a long life in front of them.  It is easy to take life for granted.   Treasure it and your family and friends.  
I try not to make this blog religious, but, are you ready for eternity?  You need Christ as your  Saviour.  if you want to talk more about this, email me.   Have a good day and tell them you love them.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Trust Your Doctor

Doctors become a very important part of our lives.  Find one that you like and trust.  I needed to remind myself of that today. I picked the doctor I did because I trusted her.  When they suggest a plan of treatment, I put myself into their hands.  Don't be afraid to find a different doctor if they don't "click with you".  I remember last year before my surgery, I met a doctor that didn't click with me.  He probably was a great doctor, but not for me.  I went back to the main surgeon and express my concern and was referred to another doctor.  Later during my chemo treatments, my oncologist left the facility and I needed a new doctor.  I met two, one laid back and one more controlling.  I picked one and am happy with my choice.   My point of writing is back to the theme of trust.  The doctor literally helps you make life and death decisions.  Today when I knew what she was going to say about my treatments, I knew that she was right even though I didn't want to hear what she needed to say.  It comes back to that trust.  You make sure when you do repair work on your car or house that you trust the person working on your item.  Doctors are the same.  I trust the Lord first, but he will give me wisdom to choose the doctor or plan of treatment that is best for me.