Monday, September 10, 2012

I Can, not I Can't

I was thinking this weekend of things I can do.  As I was in the grocery store and lifting grocery bags into the cart with my good arm, I reminded myself of things I can do.  We need to focus on the positive rather than negatives everyday.  Here are a few of my examples:

1.  I can't wear my rings due to the swelling in my fingers (including my wedding band) , but I can kiss my husband goodnight.

2.  I can't bike miles like I did before, but I can still ride my bike shorter distances and am getting stronger at walking farther distances without tiring.

3.  Last year I was completely tired and hurt every day.  Today I am not quite as tired and the aches are not as bad.

4.  I still can talk to my boys and give them advice.

5. I still can drive to the store and shop.

6.  Even though my fingers can ache and my arm swells, I still can play the piano and organ.

I am thankful for all that I can do.  The list could be endless. Focus on all the things you can do.  It will give you a better attitude and be healthy for you.

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