Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Time for others

Well, last year at this time I was in my second week of radiation.  What a difference a year can make.  This past weekend I took a friend to the store shopping.  This was different because she is going through health issues and had been in the hospital for a week and her home for one.  I pushed her around in a wheelchair, just like I had been pushed around the previous year.  I remembered how things look different in the store when you are in a chair rather than standing.  Helping someone out seems so much easier once you have been in their shoes.  It helps you see things differently.  She mentioned to me, " why didn't you say something about all you went through"?  She has been dealing with dr appts, insurance etc  We don't want to ask someone to help.  It seems like the braver thing to do.  Once you have been through it , you know what it takes and how it can wear on you.  What can you do for someone today?   A simple car ride is a great thing for someone who can't drive.  The lights are beautiful this time of year.  They would be prettier with snow,  but it is nice not having snow yet.
Some of the greatest gifts don't cost money, just your time.  

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