Sunday, November 24, 2013

Look to the Future

Sorry about the long time inbetween post here.  I have been busy with some other things.  It is good that I feel up to doing more.  A new blog that I write is an educational post.
Another great thing I was able to do was go to Nova Scotia to present professional development.!  I have always wanted to go there.  The scenery was beautiful.  As I went through customs and they looked at my passport picture, I had to tell them it was before cancer.  As you look back...time goes by fast.  It seemed very long when going through chemo, but after that very long year.....things get better.  Look to the future.  I think of the chemo pill I need to take for 5 years.  My son and I were talking about how it makes my joints ache  etc.   The Dr. is switching the pill to see if another will have different side effects.  So, I have been off of the orginal pill for ten days to get it out of my system  I am amazed at how the aches have dissappeared.  Today I started the new pill.  We were talking and I reminded him of how fast time goes by.  All the things that have happened in 5 years.  I told him I could endure aches for a few more years in order to rid cancer.  Time passes quickly unless you are looking at the clock.  So remember,  you can endure.   Look to the future.