Friday, June 28, 2013

My Port is Gone!!!!

Yesterday, I had my port removed.  It is a day to celebrate!  I was very nervous about the procedure.  The Drs. wanted me to do it without sedation.  I am not sure I would do that again, although it was not painful after the lidocaine worked.   I am sore today, but am port free!  This is one more step I have taken.

Keep Fighting


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Big Week

This week will be another milestone.  I am scheduled to get my port out on Thursday.  This is exciting and scary at the same time.  When I was told I would need a port for chemo, I didn't think I wanted one.  I learned that it would be a good friend.  All the blood test and chemo went through the port and it was mostly painless.  I learned early on to use lidocaine to numb the site a half hour before.  It was funny because I would put the lidocaine on and then cover it with plastic wrap.  This meant I literally walked into the clinic with plastic on my port.  It was the best.  I barely would feel the needle.  I waited to get the port out until school was out and I wanted a year free from treatments.  It has worked good for blood draws.  It has flipped or something and now does not work.
It is exciting to think that I am cancer free and don't need the port.  It was a security blanket for me, but now I will have a scar of honor.  That scar will remind me of the miracles that have happend and the journey of my cancer recovery.
I am awake when they take this out on Thursday which scares me some.   They tell me it is not a big deal, but it is not their juggler vein that is being stitched.  I know that all will go well and it will just be another jog on this road.
Have a great week

Keep Fighting


Sunday, June 9, 2013


Two years and one week after my cancer surgery, I was able to watch my son graduate from high school!   After finding out that I had cancer, that was one thing that bothered me. Will I be here for the important moments in my families life? I was there and it was exciting.  I plan on being around for more  family events.  Of course, one never knows when life will end.  There could be a car accident etc.  that takes our life.  I do know that I want to live my life to the fullest while I can.  The Lord has promised that he will not ask us to do more than we are able.   We often wonder, why me?  It is because we can handle the situation and will better for going through it.  Don't dispare over things, conquer them!  We need to count ourselves privileged and special.  Everyday is special too!

Keep Fighting,


Sunday, June 2, 2013


June 2 is National Cancer Survivor Day!  Congratulations to all you out there!  Last week I passed my 2 year milestone.  Am I a different person from 2 years ago?  You bet!  I am better.  They say that there is a BC an a AC (Before Cancer and After Cancer).  This is so true.  We are all better for what we have accomplished by beating this disease.  Everyday is a milestone.  This morning in church a song was sung talking about how trials are God's blessing in disguise.  He uses them to mold and make us better. I cried through the whole song.  I could relate to the entire song.  God has molded me all along the way these past two years.  It has help mold my family too!  I am excited to see my youngest son graduate from high school Saturday.  Two years ago I wondered if I would be here to see this day.  In 1993 my father was diagnosed with cancer and 30% chance of living.  He took experimental chemo and he will also be here to see his grandchild graduate.  We are survivors and also fighters.  Don't give up the fight.  Remember there is a purpose for everything, we just don't always know what it is.  When you can't see the forest from the trees....keep going.

Keep fighting,
