Friday, October 26, 2012

Someone Like Me

 I was at a conference today looking at the exhibits when I met someone else who had lympedemia.  I have been wearing my sleeve for a year, but have never seen anyone with one on too! I am not glad this person had a sleeve, but it was nice to talk directly to someone who understands.  We were able to chat for a little while and I learned that she was a 7 year survivor.  She used to wear a glove, but now does not have too.  It made me realize that maybe this is a phase for me.  While we were talking, a passerby overhead and told us that she was a one year survivor also.  There is an immediate bond with fellow survivors.   Embrace that bond and encourage each other.  We are the ones who know first hand.  Although each instance is different, we can help each other.

Keep Fighting


Monday, October 22, 2012

October is flying by

This month is flying by so fast.  I can not believe that October is almost over!  This means the Christmas season will and snow will be upon us soon. Just a note incase you have not heard, JC Penney's Hair Salon are giving free haircuts this month to any cancer survivor.  You still have time to call for an appointment.  I am going to try this Saturday.
My lymphedemia is still alive and thriving.  I have learned that to massage your arm, it is easier to do it in the shower, when your hands are soaped up.  I don't wear a sleeve at night, so I am going to try to wrap my arm at night to see what will happen.  Maybe it will help.  I know this is all trial and error, but sometimes it gets long.  I need to remember , I am still here and can use my hands so don't whine.
Remember to thank your family when they do something for you.  I just thanked my son for something as simple as doing homework.  We sometimes forget that they need to feel appreciated too.  I want them to remember things like this long after they leave home.  Things like mom cared when I.......
It works for co workers, friends and relatives.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Compression Sleeve

I have a new compression sleeve for special occasions.  It is fun to wear, but since it is not custom for me, I can wear only for a few hours at a time.  I enjoy seeing various reactions to the sleeve.  Women seem to like it and men shake their heads, like I am crazy.  That is probably true.  I thought you might like to see it too!

Keep fighting,


Blah week

I have had a blah week.  I have been extremely fatigued and dizzy at times.  The anti dizzy meds makes me more tired.  Which one is worse?  I know that some weeks will be better than others.  I am entering a stressful time of year with several music programs that I am in charge of.  The key is remembering one day at a time.  Why is this concept so hard to live by?  I should have learned by now.  One knows that this is necessary concept when dealing with cancer.
I talked awhile back about my tribute vest.  I haven't decided if it works or not, but I had to take it in to be refitted.  Hopefully I will notice a difference when I get it back.  I will also to see if it makes a difference not wearing it while it is being remade.  I know it will be cooler!  If anyone has one , I would love to hear what you think about it.
This week is packed with activities, but I am thankful that I can go to them.  Reminders of this help me feel not so tired and overwhelmed.  It is amazing what a good attitude can do for you.
I hope all of you have a great week.  I plan on it.

Keep fighting,


Saturday, October 6, 2012

    Fall is here.  Today it was chilling.  Last weekend we were able to go to county park and see the beautiful trees with their awesome colors.  I am glad I live where there are seasons that have visible change. Sometimes the snow grows old.  The leaves remind me that life has changes.  There is something special in each era of live. Enjoy whatever part of live you are in now.  The Lord has made each era special.

      I've had a very busy week. It seems like the weekend goes by so fast too!  Why is that?  I must be looking somewhat normal.  A friend and I went in a local ice cream shop today.  The lady who waited on me is someone I only know casually   She said to me"you cut your hair! It looks nice."  I just smiled and said thanks.  My friend and I just looked at each other and smiled.   
    It does get tiring when strangers ask about my arm and glove.  I don't mind talking about it with friends and people that know me.  I know they really care and are concerned and praying for me.  I had a salesman bring it up three times the other day.  I just brushed it off every time.  It just became almost rude.  I need to become more patient.  The kids at school ask often, but that doesn't bother me. They are  young, concerned and truly want to know.  It is good for them to learn.  Lymphedemia  is not  well known by others.  The more people learn, the more they will understand. When I am shopping etc. I look for others who might be in sleeves and gloves, but I don't seem to see anyone.  There are no doubt others out there.  I would love to talk to them and find more tips for treating it.  

Keep fighting!
