Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's the holidays

Holidays are especially hard on families who have fought cancer.  Remember those special friends or families this Christmastime.  I am excited that I will be celebrating another Christmas, but some families will be missing that special loved one.  Send a card or make a phone call. These are both inexpensive ways to make a difference. Just let them know you care.  It will make a difference.  Have a great Christmas season and remember the reason for the season.

Keep Fighting


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Get some fresh air

My son and I continued a tradtion (started last year) to go hiking on Thanksgiving day.,  So, we went to a local state park and walked through the woods and snow.  I really would have been content to stay home, but he convinced me to go.  It was really rewarding.  The fresh air and exercise are always good. This reminds me of what the Dr. told me during chemo.  If I was feeling tired, try to go for a walk even if it is a short one.  I remember walking about three houses down the block and back.  That was a long walk for me during my treatment. The walk would make me feel better everytime. Maybe I felt exhausted, but glad I went out.  I am not a big exercise person.  I do try to get 10,000 steps in a day.  This is a challenge at times.  If you are feeling down or tired. Try to go for a short walk.

Keep Fighting


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Look to the Future

Sorry about the long time inbetween post here.  I have been busy with some other things.  It is good that I feel up to doing more.  A new blog that I write is an educational post.
Another great thing I was able to do was go to Nova Scotia to present professional development.!  I have always wanted to go there.  The scenery was beautiful.  As I went through customs and they looked at my passport picture, I had to tell them it was before cancer.  As you look back...time goes by fast.  It seemed very long when going through chemo, but after that very long year.....things get better.  Look to the future.  I think of the chemo pill I need to take for 5 years.  My son and I were talking about how it makes my joints ache  etc.   The Dr. is switching the pill to see if another will have different side effects.  So, I have been off of the orginal pill for ten days to get it out of my system  I am amazed at how the aches have dissappeared.  Today I started the new pill.  We were talking and I reminded him of how fast time goes by.  All the things that have happened in 5 years.  I told him I could endure aches for a few more years in order to rid cancer.  Time passes quickly unless you are looking at the clock.  So remember,  you can endure.   Look to the future.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ok....I know it has been one month since I last posted.  You hear a lot about Breast
Cancer during October.  It can be too much for someone who is battling this disease.  It is important to raise awareness of this cancer, just be conscious of feeling of those going through breast cancer.
Pink items can get overwhelming.  Many times I will avoid pink items just because it brings back memories.  It is helpful to say "I am thinking of you,"  "I am praying for you", "how are you doing" or "is this anything I can do for you."A friend is the most important thing.   Cancer patients often feel alone.  I know many times they aren't, but they feel that way.  Reach out this month.  Let them know you care.   I took the photo below at the Vermont Teddy Bear Co. in Burlington Vermont.  This is their teddy bear hospital.

Keep Fighting



Sunday, September 15, 2013

I went to the cardiologist today and had a great check-up.  I don't need to see him for a year!  Before cancer  I would not have known what a good report that is.  We get lulled into a everything being routine.  Before cancer, I would go to the doctor and thought it was a waste of my money.  Now I know the importance of hearing those words that all is fine.  Many of my doctors have become more than a person, they are my friends.  These friends are not the same people that I would hangout with, but the kind of friend that cares how I am feeling.  I do not want to go to a doctor that thinks I am a number. My belief is that mine are more than that.  Make sure that you have confidence in your doctor and that they are true professionals.  

Keep Fighting


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The doctors all say exercise more.  Sometimes I wonder with what time am I suppose to exercise.  I know it is important, but hard to do.  I bought a fitbit.    It has changed the way I look at exercise.  It is similar to a pedometer, but it will send me a report.  My goal is 10,000 steps a day and 10 flights a day.  It has been quit easy to accomplish.  At the end of the week it sends me a report for the week.  I was excited last week when I reached 250 miles of walking.  It was reached by in about 8 weeks. I know the more I exercise the less aches and pains. You might want to check it out.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Relay for Life

I participated in my first Relay for Life this August.  I took part in the survivor's lap.  In the past. I was afraid to participate.  This year I decided that I was ready.  It was a good experience.  It was fantastic to hear how many years the survivors have fought the fight and won! It was very up  lifting.  If you have never been to one of these events, try it.  You will find out you are not alone and you can encourage others who might be new to cancer.

Keep Fighting,


Saturday, July 27, 2013


My recent post talked about my week in Vermont.  Because I flew to Vermont, I was unable to take my flexi-touch  with me.  It is very bulky and would have needed its' own suitcase.  I wondered what would happen when I stopped using the lymphodemia device for a length of time.  I found out.  I use the device 1 hour every day for my lymphodedmia.  The device gentle massages and moves the fluid so I don't swell.  I definitely had a flare-up as a result of that week.  Yes I did manual massage, but it was not enough.  This helped me know that it does work and is worth the hour a night.  I usually watch old tv shows on netflix.  It does help me relax and no one can call for "mom" to help them.  I am the one who needs help at that time.

Keep Fighting,


Friday, July 26, 2013

Time to Reflect

It's been a few weeks since I wrote and many things have happened.  Summer is always a time filled with new and old events.  The things you do every summer as a tradition and a time of new exploration.
I am excited that this summer I am not having chemo treatments.  I do not have to plan my weeks around when I need to be at chemo.  If you haven't reached this point you will.  People who know me realize that I am one who can't stay still.   I am always on the go.  This summer I am enjoying time at home.  Time when I can catch up on all the things I let go last summer when I was too tired to do them.  This is not to say I haven't been on the go.  I just returned from a full week of technology training in Vermont.  It was a wonderful, exhausting and uplifting trip.  The week was with Discovery Education.  I have been a member of this wonderful group since 2006. This week in the summer always motivates me.  It gets me ready for school in the fall. This summer it inspired me to make a website.  It is currently under construction and hopefully I can show it soon.  The week also shows me the power of friendship.  There were 125 educators from North America at the conference.  Many I have known from past years, but 60 were brand new to the summer institute. It is great to make new friends.  Don't let cancer keep you from that.  As you go to chemo or drs. appts.  make friends.  Many of the nurses etc. that I have met through this journey are considered friends to me.  Friends can be on many different levels.

Hope to write more soon

Keep fighting,


Friday, June 28, 2013

My Port is Gone!!!!

Yesterday, I had my port removed.  It is a day to celebrate!  I was very nervous about the procedure.  The Drs. wanted me to do it without sedation.  I am not sure I would do that again, although it was not painful after the lidocaine worked.   I am sore today, but am port free!  This is one more step I have taken.

Keep Fighting


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Big Week

This week will be another milestone.  I am scheduled to get my port out on Thursday.  This is exciting and scary at the same time.  When I was told I would need a port for chemo, I didn't think I wanted one.  I learned that it would be a good friend.  All the blood test and chemo went through the port and it was mostly painless.  I learned early on to use lidocaine to numb the site a half hour before.  It was funny because I would put the lidocaine on and then cover it with plastic wrap.  This meant I literally walked into the clinic with plastic on my port.  It was the best.  I barely would feel the needle.  I waited to get the port out until school was out and I wanted a year free from treatments.  It has worked good for blood draws.  It has flipped or something and now does not work.
It is exciting to think that I am cancer free and don't need the port.  It was a security blanket for me, but now I will have a scar of honor.  That scar will remind me of the miracles that have happend and the journey of my cancer recovery.
I am awake when they take this out on Thursday which scares me some.   They tell me it is not a big deal, but it is not their juggler vein that is being stitched.  I know that all will go well and it will just be another jog on this road.
Have a great week

Keep Fighting


Sunday, June 9, 2013


Two years and one week after my cancer surgery, I was able to watch my son graduate from high school!   After finding out that I had cancer, that was one thing that bothered me. Will I be here for the important moments in my families life? I was there and it was exciting.  I plan on being around for more  family events.  Of course, one never knows when life will end.  There could be a car accident etc.  that takes our life.  I do know that I want to live my life to the fullest while I can.  The Lord has promised that he will not ask us to do more than we are able.   We often wonder, why me?  It is because we can handle the situation and will better for going through it.  Don't dispare over things, conquer them!  We need to count ourselves privileged and special.  Everyday is special too!

Keep Fighting,


Sunday, June 2, 2013


June 2 is National Cancer Survivor Day!  Congratulations to all you out there!  Last week I passed my 2 year milestone.  Am I a different person from 2 years ago?  You bet!  I am better.  They say that there is a BC an a AC (Before Cancer and After Cancer).  This is so true.  We are all better for what we have accomplished by beating this disease.  Everyday is a milestone.  This morning in church a song was sung talking about how trials are God's blessing in disguise.  He uses them to mold and make us better. I cried through the whole song.  I could relate to the entire song.  God has molded me all along the way these past two years.  It has help mold my family too!  I am excited to see my youngest son graduate from high school Saturday.  Two years ago I wondered if I would be here to see this day.  In 1993 my father was diagnosed with cancer and 30% chance of living.  He took experimental chemo and he will also be here to see his grandchild graduate.  We are survivors and also fighters.  Don't give up the fight.  Remember there is a purpose for everything, we just don't always know what it is.  When you can't see the forest from the trees....keep going.

Keep fighting,


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ups and Downs

It was a beautiful day today here in Wisconsin. After weeks of rain, we finally had a few dry days.  I began planting my porch box flowers until storm warnings came in again.  A bird flew over and left his droppings on my pants!!!!  I didn't even see any birds in the sky and all of the sudden my pants had a white dropping.   This is how life after cancer can be.  You have good days and bad.  Just like planting flowers on a beautiful sunny day, you can be feeling great.  Then, a bird flies over and some droppings of bad days appear.   We all can try to rise over the bad.  I laughed off the bird .  I know it is harder to laugh off the days of feeling tired or the aches and pains.  A positive attitude goes a long way.  I am still battling fatigue.   The CPAP machine is helping me sleep better, but I am still tired.  I am dreaming, which is something that I was not doing.   I still am very tired and yawning during the day.  The cause will be found, but patience needs to be learned.  The Lord never promised a life without ups and downs.  I believe it is how we react to those "downs" is important.  The Lord reminds us that we need his help and can't do this on our own.   Have a great week!

Keep Fighting!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

2 Years and Hanging Tough

It looks like a month almost flew by without a post.  I am sorry about that.  The good news is last week it was 2 years from that phone call that changed everything. Those two years were full of ups and downs.  I plan on writing 3years next year. Even with chemo-brain somethings will not be forgot.  Hearing the word Cancer is one of them.  In many ways it has made me a much stronger person.  I have learned so much about myself, my family , my friends and those I have contact with.  I have met wonderful caring doctors ,nurses and technicians.  My faith has grown and the Lord has blessed me so much.  You learn to say I'l  try not I can't.  You learn to treasure each moment.
Today I had a visit with my breast surgeon.  I think she is the best. We did mention that priorities are put in the correct order with cancer.  I even think that pain is relative. What might have "hurt" two years  ago is just a little "pinch" now.  I used to not be able to look at blood draws and now I watch to see if the blood will come.
I know that 2 years ago I wondered if I would live to see my son graduate from high school and in 7 weeks I will be there to cheer.  My hair is gray and I don't care.  At least I have some.  Do I have aches and pains?  Sure!  But I am glad to be here.
Don't give up!  Be thankful for what you have and those around you.   Hopefully you will be able to read my post on the 3 years since that phone call. Don't walk this path alone.  You have fellow survivors to help and the Lord is on our side.

Keep Fighting


Sunday, March 31, 2013

I t has been awhile since I have written.  I talked about the flexi-touch pump.  It seems to be working!  My arm has gotten smaller and I need a new sleeve to accommodate it.  I have a 2 month evaluation with the O.T. therapist to officially decided if it is worth it.  The insurance will then decide if they will continue to rent the machine.  I just came back from a week in Florida.  Because the machine was bulky, I did not take it with me.  I noticed a difference.  There was definitely more swelling.  It was good to relax and unwind.  Just as this sea shell seems alone on the beach, just remember we are not alone, we are fighting together.

Keep fighting,


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Keep Searching

I hope that you trust your doctors since you are putting your life in their hands.  If you are not satisfied with an answer, search for it.  I was getting tired of hearing "post radiation".   Every symptom etc. was labeled "post radiation."  Now that I am 14 months out of radiation, I began to question more why I was so tired.  The oncologist finally sent me to a neologist.  He was given the task to figure out why I have "foggy" times and am so tired.  He thought I needed a sleep study for sleep apnea.  The insurance company wasn't so willing.  I appreciate the fact that he took time to call the insurance company himself and fight for the test.  To me that is a sign of a good Dr.   He did not leave it up to the nurses and paperwork, but did it himself.  Sunday night, I had a sleep study.  It was very interesting.  I sleep all night at the hospital hooked up to sensors.  If I opened my eyes, the nurse in another room knew it and talked to me.  The test showed that I needed a CPAP machine.  This will make sure I get enough oxygen at night.  Hopefully soon I won't be tired and "foggy".

Keep Fighting,


Saturday, February 16, 2013


No one who claim me to be a fashion diva, but I think it is something that lymphedemia patients struggle with.  A winter I have been in short sleeves or sleeveless.  It works better with my compression sleeve.  The material of the long sleeve pulls my compression sleeve down.  Since live in Wisconsin, I do need a winter coat.  The same thing would happen.  I stumbled upon a winter cape (coat) at Kohls and it has solved that problem.   The cape is very stylish and I have had sooo many compliments from complete strangers.  The cape allows my arm to  have plenty of room to move.  If it is really cold I wear a quilted vest or fleece under the coat.  The vest doesn't show and keeps me warm.  I am hoping to find a raincoat that is a cape too.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Flexi touch

I got my flexi-touch lymphedemia pump !!! My family all thought I look like a cosmonaut.   They said that without hearing what the other had said.  It is quite cumbersome to put on, but I know it will get easier when I am more familiar with it.   I used it yesterday for the first time after a training by a company rep.  She was very nice and came to my home to explain everything.  I then must lie for 1 hour a day while the pump works.  If you know me, this will be the hardest part. I don't like sitting still for a long period of time.  I always have something to do.  It feels good while it works. After the first time my hand swelling was considerably down.  It has since built up , but I think if I used this everyday I can get it in control.  The pump is expensive.  Insurance is renting it for 2 months to see if it works then will decide if they will continue.  That sounds fair to me.  It is sill to own something if it doesn't work.  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Year Gone By....

It is hard to imagine that a year has gone by since I had radiation. Below is a picture of the radiation machine.  It doesn't hurt  you just have to lie still.  The ceiling had little lights in it to look like stars.  I found it a great place to pray.  It was quiet and a good place to reflect.  The arm of the machine would turn to point the "laser beam" in the proper place.  The blue items are mold made to keep you in the exact postion every time. Everyone has their own.  It seems like it was just a few months ago.  I am thankful that year has past.  I still feel the effects of "post radiation".  You know that is one of my most unfavorite sayings.  It is just a catch all for every  pain, ache or tiredness.  I have used my Solaris vest for 2 weeks now.  I am not sure if it is doing anything or not.  It is warm on these cold Wisconsin nights!  I just saw the wind chill for Friday morning will be -29 F.  Yikes!!!  I hope the vitamin D will help my tiredness.  I found out the prescription was written wrong and I needed to be taking it more often so I will try again.  As I look at the calendar I see spring is on the horizon.  Always look for the positive side of things.   A good outlook is great for your health.

Keep Fighting,


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Solaris Vest

I finally have my Solaris Night Vest. I ordered a sling (one armed vest) this past summer.  It just didn't fit quite right.  After many of months of trying to get it to fit right.  The store would take different measurements etc and it just was not right.  I never took it home, after every fitting it was sent back.Finally, the store called in the rep. from Solaris.  She took the measurements and suggested a full vest.  She was very caring and willing to make this work.  Now after 6/7 months of being without a vest it finally is right.  I have only had it a few nights, so I am not sure what the result of wearing it will be.  I am looking forward to seeing results.  I was told it would soften the skin and help the lymphatic system.  Time will tell.  Don't settle for something that isn't quite right.  Medical items are expensive and if they don't fit properly it won't work.  Speak up and get it right.  They want it to work for you too.

Keep Fighting,


Make a Difference

On Jan. 6. 2013 my Aunt Jane died.  She was 91 years old, but seemed young to me.    Everyone who knew her called her Aunt Jane. She was the kindest person you could know.  Helping others was the theme of her life.  All through her life, she thought of others.  I want to follow her example and help others too.  Do you know someone who needs a phone call or a note?  Since my round with cancer I have learned how important these things are.  A simple hello and a show of concern means much to those who need it.  Pray for those who might be having a tough time.  Make a difference today.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year

Well it is 2013.   I don't get too excited about New Year's Eve or Day , but I am thankful that I can write about them.   I figure a new day comes every sunrise.  I actually went to bed at 8 p.m. New Year's eve because I was tired.   If your body wants to sleep, let it.  The body is an incredible creation and knows what it needs.  I was tested for vitamin D this past week and found that I was extremely low.  I am sure that living in Wisconsin in the winter doesn't help.  I will be taking a weekly big dose and hopefully that will give me more energy too!  I am glad that Dr. checked on it and did not say post-radiation again.  That excuse gets real old.  So I will think about the sun and surf of warm Florida.  Let the sun shine.

Keep fighting,
