Tuesday, July 10, 2012



   Yesterday I received a phone call from a complete stranger.  We talked for about 1 hour.  What makes this call special was they she was a cancer survivor too!   Once you have cancer, your life changes forever.  You are  member of a special group of people.  These people understand and have been through many of the same things you have been through.
    As we talked, we weren't strangers anymore.  We could relate to many of the same pains, side affects,  procedures, and many more things.   You can learn so much for other survivors.  Don't close yourself in and be afraid to share.  Sometimes that sharing will bring tears to you and others, but that is ok.  I cry when I am happy, sad, and when I feel for someone else.
    One thing we both realized, that sometimes friends of cancer patients do not know how to react or what to do.   Our goal is to set them at ease.  We are still the same person, just with cancer.  Let them ask questions, cry and try to help.  It is good for them too!  They need to feel that they are helping you.  They want to help.
    When people first asked me what they could do, I would always nothing, just pray.  Now I am a firm believer in prayer and it is very, very important.  I cherish every prayer for me.  It is humbling to think that they took their time to pray for me and I was that important to them.  God will answer those prayers and honor those who prayed for me.
     They also want to do something physical.  Let them.  It might be a meal or pick up the kids.  Any task will let them feel included.  It is hard to let go and let others help.  It was a hard lesson for me to learn, but I can be a blessing to others by letting them be a blessing to me.
     It's good for your family too!  They need to know that all the extra weight is not on them.  This is just as hard for them.  I think sometimes we forget that they are fighting with us.  They have the same fears, cares, and emotions.
     We are all in this together.  We can overcome. Help someone today.  You will forget some of your problems and be a blessing at the same time.   One thing I have learned in this past year, is that there is always someone who is worst off than me.  I need to be thankful for the trials I have.

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